Thursday, December 4, 2008


For someone who grew up only eating Gordon's Fishermen fillets and popcorn shrimp at Red Lobster, I'm eating a lot of fish lately. Tuesday night I had sushi (smoked salmon, raw salmon, raw tuna), last night I had lemon pepper tilapia, and tonight I believe I'm having pecan-encrusted tilapia.

Now I just want more sushi. Anyone have a favorite sushi place in Atlanta? Anyone want to eat sushi with me sometime? Or fish? Or steak.... (I still need to go back to Texas Roadhouse -- it's been way too long.)

If it's not already obvious, not only have I been noticing how much fish I've been eating lately but I also am ravenously hungry. I can't get away from it. Maybe I should consider eating a full breakfast.... one more reason to wake up early. I could even create a whole system where I get up, go do some sort of physical exercise, eat a good breakfast while watching The West Wing (which I discovered yesterday comes on at 8 and 9 AM every weekday). It could happen, right? This is the time that I need a roomate. Someone to do this with because I have trouble motiviating myself to wake up when I'm alone.

But fish -- for some reason, I have all kinds of motivation about fish....


Moose-Tipping said...

We've got plenty of fish up here-- just come back and visit me again and we can go out and catch a halibut that's BIGGER THAN YOU. (Which honestly isn't saying much, but whatever...)

Alison said...

I've never really done honest-to-God fishing before Sparky but that sounds like fun. I'm not really an ice fishing kind of girl so maybe we should postpone that trip to the ice thaw ;) Though money is an issue.... maybe we'll get more stimulus checks?