Monday, July 27, 2009

Telemarketer Apology

To all the telemarketers out there, I apologize. Your jobs must be terrible. And while you make better than minimum wage, it's pretty much a thankless job where people yell at you and hang up on you. But it was really quite funny when you just called into our litigation consulting firm and wanted to speak to one of our trial consultants about buying land. Really, this isn't his house, it's his place of business. And I'm sure the tract of land you have in Florida on the beach or in the mountains of Montana is just beautiful, really, but he's trying to help people in court at the moment. We all sit in a large room together and can hear people on the phone. One of our Workflow Coordinators picked up the phone and we were all subconsciously/unavoidably listening in on your conversation and the WFC's uncertain replies to a call that perhaps never should have been made about buying tracts of land. We all shared a collective laugh and agreed that the TC in question probably didn't want to talk to you anyway. But, being the nice person that he is, the WFC tried to put you through despite his puzzlement that you decided to call at all.

So I'm sorry -- we were all laughing at you and your futility this morning. I wouldn't take it personally -- sometimes that's just the way it goes.

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